Tips To Make It A Cool, Cosy Place
Every girl dreams of having that perfect bedroom ever since they can remember. A room where they can ruminate in their wooden furniture beds or a wooden study table, write their secret thoughts in their diary while sitting on a bean bag, decorate it with natural elements such as plants, and have pyjama parties with their best friends, pillow fights, etc.
Below are a few tips on how to decorate that extraordinary bedroom for your little princess.
1. Unleash your creativity!
A bedroom is a special place where she can be herself and exude her personality traits. Paint the walls in her favourite colour. Put up stickers and posters of her favourite actors or cartoons on the wooden study tables. Add a touch of nature by adding miniature succulents on their dressing table or side table.
2. Cosy reading corner
What better way of encouragement to read than a cosy corner in the room with just a few pillows and books. Or even a bean bag and books. Let that corner be her favourite reading corner.
3. Put up a good dressing station
What doesn’t a girl like to play a little dress up every once in a while? Put up a good dressing station with a good dressing table, and enough drawers to ensure spacious room for all her makeup.
4. Use glitter as required
Who doesn’t love a splash of glitter in their lives? Let her feel she is a Tinkerbell in her little world filled with pixie dust, i.e. glitter. Some shine on the walls adds to the brightness of her day!
5. Put up a swinging chair
A swinging chair will go a long way in diversification. With a swinging chair around, let your princess swing away and have fun!
6. Use mood lighting
One kind of lighting can get boring. The best way to keep things fresh in the bedroom is to add different lighting kinds to blend in well with the wooden furniture bed. A light for each mood sounds great.
7. Scented candles for a relaxing time
No bedroom is complete without scented candles. Use flower scented candles on her dressing table, along with the rest of the décor to get that special effect of a flower garden inside her bedroom.
8. Matching all the way!
When you are out furniture shopping, make sure that the curtains match the drapes and that the pillow cover matches the curtains, and so on. Get a matching set of sheets and blankets for making the bedroom look neat, clean and matched.
9. Add a “Chandelier” to your “Monica.”
Buying a chandelier goes a long way in creating an aesthetically pleasing space!
Get a chandelier for your daughter, light it up and see how it transforms her room and gives it the much-needed glow up.
10. Have a separate table and chair for your BDF (Best doll friend)
Every girl has a best friend that is a doll. Let her make the doll feel special by having a separate table and chair for it. Even you can join them for tea parties!
These are a few of the tips you can follow in creating that perfect space! Happy arranging your Lil princess’ room!