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6 Tips On How To Care For Your Outdoor Furniture

Owning a house is a thrill, and having the picture-perfect furniture that decorates your home is a next level thrill or we can say a wave of happiness. Furniture is not only needed inside the house but is required outside too. You may ask how is outdoor furniture so important. Imagine you want to enjoy your evening tea watching the clear skies or a cloudy one or watch the Sun in its all glory while rising or setting down. Well, where will you sit and enjoy that cup of your favourite beverage? You need a chair/table/sofa, etc., to sit, right?

Hence comes in the outdoor furniture. When you own furniture, you need to take care of it. Simply owning won’t do; You got to maintain it too. We know how heartbreaking it is when our furniture gets destroyed or broken. Therefore, here is the moment where ‘good maintenance’ comes into the picture.

You may now ask what you can do to maintain your wooden/metal belongings well? Well, worry not because we bring you a few tips to care for your outdoor furniture.

Clean The Place Regularly:

Use soft brushes and broom with soft bristles to keep your patio/foyer/porch clean. Regular dusting and cleaning of the outdoor chairs and tables help you to have a fresh seat each time you want to sit out for a change.

Stay Away From The Sun:

Furniture placed directly under the Sun often leads to its deterioration quickly. Make sure you put it in a space with shade or is not directly under the wrath of intense sun rays. Though the outdoor furniture items are made robust enough to deal with extreme temperature/harsh climatic conditions, we must maintain and keep the furniture in good shape for a long time.

Keep Away From Water:

Water is a universal solvent. It can, in every way, dissolve away the sturdiness of your outdoor furniture, too, no matter which strong material it is built with (wood or metal). Wood loses its strength to the mould or ends up crumbling by absorbing excess liquid. The metal glory of the outdoor furniture gives up to the rust. Make sure you keep the outdoor furniture away from any outdoor tap area or the overflow pipe.

Repair Them Frequently:

We spoke about how owning furniture is not limited to owning it but extends to maintaining it well. Do keep an eye out for mould on wooden furniture or rust on metal ones. Make sure you keep giving your furniture a good brush of paint/varnish to avoid any unwanted companies (mould or rust).

Change The Fabric Often:

If you have a sofa placed with cushions made of cloth, yes, you got to get them changed after a while. This will always keep your outdoor furniture brand new.

Cover With A Sheet:

If you are going on a vacation, and no one can look after the furniture, we highly recommend that you make sure that the outdoor tables and chairs are moved inside your house or you cover them with a heavy-duty sheet. The sheet can be a plastic one or cloth, depending on your preference.

These are a few tips that we believe you will find extremely helpful. Also, if unfortunately your furniture isn’t in good shape and you are looking forward to buying a new one, then you already know where to look. Yes, FWD has a wide range of furniture, available in classic and modern colours to add that much-needed glow to your space. Come home to happiness with FWD!